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"Money follows attention."

- Grant Cardone

Advice on websites, marketing, social media and mindset for the success oriented tradesman in the digital age.

  • Writer's pictureAlan Frye

5 Reasons You Don't Get Leads

I'm not a "guru" or an "expert", I actually stumbled into this.

The first website I made someone got their phone ringing off the hook.

I thought I got lucky.

The second and third did the same thing.

Then I realised, I've got a formula here that seems to guarantee success.

And it's generated over 1500 high quality leads for tradesmen.

So anyway, here's the top 5 mistakes I see often on websites.

Even pro designers can make these mistakes, as they sometimes focus on the design rather than the performance.

Fixing these mistakes will help you take your website from "cactus" to "cash us"...

But first, I want you to know.... It ain't as simple as not enough traffic.

You could bring all the traffic in the world to a website and if it doesn't convert, it's useless... it's sleeping on the job...

Alright, let's jump in!


Your website isn't secure

Your website could have an expired SSL certificate or be missing one entirely.

When this happens, instead of showing your website most browsers will throw up a warning screen saying the connection isn't secure.

Not the best look for people looking up your business, right?


Your website loads too slow

As a general rule of thumb you have 3 seconds to capture someone's attention before they move on.

In general, we want to make a good impression quickly.

If the website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, we've lost that battle before we even had a chance.


Your location isn't obvious

They're on your website thinking, "Sounds great, but does he do my area? Where is this guy based even?"

If you make them go looking for it, they're already losing interest.

Just trusting that Google will show your website to locals isn't a strategy - Google needs to read your location on the page too.


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Contact details not obvious

We want to make it as easy as possible for them to contact you.

It's all well and good to have a big "Get a Quote" button but what about those that want to ring?

We want your phone number very prominent in the top right corner.

The worst thing we can do is leave your phone number off your website or make it less obvious, as it makes it harder to contact you.

And conversely...


No contact form on website

When your website pushes for calls and doesn't include a contact form this is a problem too.

The majority of people actually prefer to leave their details and have you call them, as opposed to calling you outright.

Why fight it? Make it as easy as possible for them.

Do you need help with your website? Perhaps you want a digital marketing strategy?

Mate I'd be happy to.

Grab your free Starter Kit that comes with a 30 minute strategy session here.

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