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"Money follows attention."

- Grant Cardone

Advice on websites, marketing, social media and mindset for the success oriented tradesman in the digital age.

Writer's pictureAlan Frye

The 3 Questions You Must Answer On Your Website

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

When someone lands on your website you've got 3 seconds (once it's loaded) to capture their attention before they click away from your page, and these 3 questions will help you do that. You'll want to answer these 3 questions right at the top of the page so they don't have to go scrolling to find this.

The 3 Questions

The first question is "What do you do". Make it very clear what your service is, don't leave any room for confusion here. Wether you specialise in a niche or offer a variety of services, never presume anything is already understood or goes without saying, and make it known immediately.

The second question is "Where do you it". This also tends to be overlooked as if website visitors will magically understand where you are located and where you service. Locals like using local businesses, making this clear from the beginning helps them retain interest.

The third question is "Why should I use you". This can be interpreted two ways, one being "what do I get out of the service" and the other being "why should I use you in particular". Both are excellent to address and make for a strong case to use you. ​

Answering these three questions at the top of your page will go a long way in making your website easier to understand, more interesting and better converting.

The 4th Question

There's actually a fourth question, "How do I contact you" ​and a lot of websites don't make it as easy as they should for them to contact. Clear prominent phone number and unique CTA button linked to the contact form are recommended. ​

If you're interested in this, you'll love the special article I put together. In it, I basically give away the entire website system that generates my clients above average conversion rates. It's free, and you can find it here.

Muchos gracias ​

Alan Frye

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