Alan Frye

Feb 6, 20222 min

How To Get Less Spam From Your Website

Look at you, getting unsolicited offers and foreign companies communicating promises in broken English. Welcome to being in business. Expect more of it too, because the more successful you get, the more noticed you get. And that's a good thing. However there's a few ways we can mitigate this flood of unsolicited BS and here's a couple of them.

Get Your Email Off Your Website

What's your email address doing on your website? You're handing it to millions of marketers and thousands of robot "scrapers" which will then compile the data and sell it to whomever pays. What you want to do is remove the email and have a contact form. People don't want to go through their Outlook anyway, they just want to fill out your form, hit enter and be done with it. You gotta understand they don't want to 'email you', they want you to contact them!

Put a Google Captcha On Your Contact Form

This will prevent automated bots from using your contact form and helps reduce human spammers known to Google via IP blocking. Plus the sight of it may put off would be human spammers not wanting to play Google's annoying pick the squares game. In fact I put one of these on a clients website who was receiving spam, and it stopped after that. Since then, I started implementing CAPTCHA as standard for all my clients contact forms.​

Report Spam To Wix

If you're using the website platform Wix like we do, you can report spam messages directly to them. This allows them to understand what spam you're receiving and to block it accordingly. If they get enough complaints, they can blacklist certain IP addresses completely. ​

Alan Frye
